Do you know that you can be paid to click or view websites? Yes it's true and afterwards you can withdraw your earnings through PayPal the best online payment method. here are the best and most legitimate ways:-
- ClixSense. All is required for you is to Click on the ads and get paid up to $0.02 each! Each ad will open a sponsor's website in a new window that you will have to view for a period of time, depending on the ad. When the time is up your click goes through validation and if successful you get paid.
- ClixZing: This is part of the best paying site. Their clicks earning from 0.3 per click. With six click per day and your referral click you can be making more than $10 per day. You should try it today it takes you less than two minutes to sign up.
- Neobux: As a member you earn for clicking on the ads and there is always guaranteed ads to display daily.